Growing Hydroponic Parsley


Hydroponic Parsley
Difficulty Light EC Range pH Range: Time to Harvest
Easy 14-16hours 0.8 -1.8 5.8 -6.5 3-5 weeks
Nutrient and Health Info - Contains tons of vitamin K, lots of vitamin C and a fair share of vitamin A with healthy amounts of iron and copper.
Tips & Tricks - Grows prolifically in hydroponics. Cut and come again harvesting will ensure you have plenty growing when you need it. The stems can be even more flavorful than the leaves, so be sure to use them as well.


Parsley is used in almost everything, and it grows prolifically in hydroponics.  Used frequently in garnishes, or chopped in recipes, parsley is a great addition to almost any dish that includes rice, potato, steak, fish or lamb.  It’s a great addition to soups and salads as well.  Similar, but easier to grow than cilantro, parsley has high in levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and to a lesser extent, Vitamin C.


Fortunately, Parsley is easy to germinate.  Unlike its similar looking cousin, cilantro, no extra care is required to germinate parsely.  As usual, it will be fastest to germinate parsley with the use of a Seedling Starter Kit, using the ‘paper towel’ method, or making your own seedling starter kit with tupperware and plastic wrap with holes poked in the top.  But, with a few days of extra patience, your parsley will grow just fine when grown directly in your hydroponic garden.  Your seeds should germinate within 3-7 days, depending on which method you use.  Filling each net cup with two seeds is a great idea to get started.  If both grow, you can keep them both growing rather than plucking one.


Parsley requires less light than many plants, as it is a prolific grower.  It requires as little as 12 hours of artificial light per day, but using 14-16 hours will lead to even stronger growth, and will likely be best for your other plants as well.  These indoor lighting recommendations assume that you are using adequate grow lights, like those offered by IGWorks.

EC Range:

Plants require plenty of nutrients in order to thrive, and you can measure how much they are getting with an EC (Electrical Conductivity) sensor. As a comprehensive gardening solution, every iHarvest® system comes with an EC tester.  Keep your EC range between 0.8 – 1.8 for best results.  Fortunately, this wide range is compatible with growing a number of other plants such as basil, lettuce, strawberries, peas and spinach.  It’s relatively close to EC requirements for tomatoes and peppers too!

pH Range:

Another iHarvest® feature to ensure plants thrive is its pH tester. The right pH level ensures that plants absorb the nutrients they need in the optimal timeframe. Keep the pH of your parsley between 5.8 and 6.5.



Parsley is an herb that doesn’t fruit, so it’s going to grow best with an all-around hydroponic growing solution for greens.  Mix your 10-5-14 nutrient solution thoroughly until your EC meter reads 0.8 – 1.8, and watch your parsley grow like a weed!


Prune of brown leaves as needed.  If there are significant amounts of brown leaves, confirm your EC and pH is within the recommended levels.  If your parsley begins to flower, try removing the flowers early to preserve your parsley’s taste.


Parsley is easy to harvest. Use clean, sharp scissors or shears to cut about one-third of the way down the plant. You will use the top one third for cooking while the bottom two thirds will continue to produce new leaves. Once the plant is growing well, harvest it about once per week and freeze or dry any leaves you can’t use right away.

An indoor garden is a great way to make sure you always have access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It doesn’t have to be difficult, either, especially with IGWorks® products at your disposal. Make growing easy and fun with our growing system and join our Indoor Garden Works community of avid and informed growers on Facebook

Check Out Our Parsley Recipes!

Parsley Takes Over the iHarvest Indoor Garden

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