Growing Hydroponic Wheatgrass


Surprise…when your planting wheatgrass, you’re actually planting wheat!  Wheatgrass is the green leaves of a young wheat plant.  It’s become quite popular over the last decade as a health food made into juices.  When I’m working hard and focusing, I often pull it out of my hydroponic garden and munch on these earthy-tasting greens that resemble grass.  It’s something about the chewing that allows me to focus.

One of the wonderful things about wheatgrass is how quickly it grows.  It only takes 2-3 weeks to have your first harvest, and it grows back even faster after trimming. 

The potential health benefits of wheatgrass are aplenty.  Its high levels of chlorophyll ca increase oxygen levels in your body.  It’s filled with antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  It’s been shown to lower bad cholesterol and may also help those with Type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar.

Hydroponic Wheatgrass
Germination Light EC Range pH Range: Time to Harvest
2-7 days 12-16 hours 0.8-1.2 6.0-7.0 2-3 weeks
Nutrient and Health Info - The potential health benefits of wheatgrass are aplenty. It’s filled with antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been shown to lower bad cholesterol and may also help those with Type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar.
Tips & Tricks - Wheatgrass practically grows itself, so don't stress it. Keep your EC within the recommended range, and watch your wheatgrass grow faster than anything you've ever grown before.



Wheatgrass typically germinates very easily, and in only a few days.  If it takes your wheatgrass longer than a week to sprout, it’s time to get some new wheatgrass seeds.


Wheatgrass grows quickly, and giving it up to 16 hours of light a day will increase its growth while providing you with a constant supply.

EC Range:

Wheatgrass doesn’t need much in the way of nutrients, as it’s seeds pack a great deal of nutrition right from the start. Keeping your EC between 0.8 – 1.2 will be more than enough, and allow you to grow it with a variety of other plants like lettuce, mustard greens, and various herbs.

pH Range:

Your wheatgrass prefers a pH range between 6.0 – 7.0.

Wheatgrass Juice


The IGWorks® Green Machine nutrients are all you need to grow wheatgrass with incredible success.  Don’t overthink this incredibly easy to grow plant.

Time to Harvest:

Wheatgrass is probably the fastest growing plant I’ve ever germinated.  In only 2-3 weeks you’ll be able to begin harvesting and enjoying your wheatgrass.

Pruning and Harvesting:

When harvesting your wheatgrass, it’s good to always leave an inch or two at the base.  This allows the plant to continue photosynthesizing and growing aggressively.  If, after harvesting several times, you notice that your wheatgrass isn’t as tasty, it’s time to replace it with a new grow.  But, worry not, you’ll be harvesting again very soon!



Wheatgrass is known as a very healthy plant, and there are animal studies that demonstrate lowered cholesterol and blood sugar levels from its consumption.  I personally find it very tasty, which I think is the greatest reason for it taking off in popularity with the health food boom.  If you’re interested in juicing, or just at gnawing away at something while you focus, you’ll enjoy growing your own wheatgrass!

Check Out Our Wheatgrass Recipes!

Let’s grow together!