Grow Lights

Indoor Garden Light Kits

With full spectrum grow lights from IGWorks, you can grow everything from tomatoes and peppers to farm fresh peaches, even in the smallest of apartments.  So go ahead, DIY yourself some bananas, or figs, or coffee! 


There's so much more you can grow with IGWorks! 

Shipleys or Goldcot Apricots  Meyer Lemon  Passion Fruit
Super Dwarf Cavendish Banana's Kaffir Lime Bonanza Peach
P. Angulata Cherry Morus Nigra Chelsea Black Mulberry Peppers
Arabica Coffee Nectarella Nectarine Pineapple
Negro Largo Figs Carica Papaya Punica Granatum Nana Dwarf Pomegranate
IGWorks is How Indoor Gardening Works!!

2 products

2 products