Growing Hydroponic Chamomile

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile has been used since ancient times as an important medical herb.  Today, it is often used for sleeplessness, anxiety and upset stomach.  Their little, white flowers have an apple-like scent.  Some home homebrewers will know that chamomile is favored ingredient in beers and ales where the whole plant is used, but is even more commonly known as an herb with which the flowers are used to make relaxing teas.

Chamomile is just another in a long list of plants (including herbs) that will thrive in your hydroponic garden.

Hydroponic Chamomile
Germination Light EC Range pH Range: Time to Harvest
7-14 days 14-16 hours 5.5-6.5 0.8-1.4 8-10 weeks
Nutrient and Health Info - Chamomile makes a delicious, apple-like scented tea known often used to induce sleep, lower anxiety and help with an upset stomach.
Tips & Tricks - Chamomile seeds need light to germinate. Plant your seeds deep enough for them to be able to take root in your hydroponic media, but not so deep that they will not be able to gather some light.



Chamomile germinates in 7-14 days.  One thing to keep in mind is that chamomile requires light to sprout.  Plant your seeds deep enough for them to be able to take root in your hydroponic media, but not so deep that they will not be able to gather some light. 

Chamomile Flowers


Chamomile is generally grown for its flowers, so make sure that your plants have 14-16 hours of light a day to encourage flowering. 

EC Range:

Keep your EC between 0.8 – 1.4 when growing chamomile.  It will grow successfully with various plants.  If you’re interested in growing chamomile with other flowering plants, consider growing your chamomile with Peas, Sunflowers, watercress, dandelion, and nasturtium, for example.

pH Range:

Keep your pH range between 5.5 – 6.6 and you’ll be harvesting chamomile in no time!


Our Green Machine nutrients will work well with chamomile.  However, if you want to encourage the growth of lots of flowers, you can mix the Green Machine nutrients with 50% Flower Power nutrients while you’re growing.

Time to Harvest:

Give your chamomile 8-10 weeks to develop flowers.  Chamomile takes a bit longer than many other plants to flower, but once it does you’ll be able to enjoy this pretty white flowers with an apple-like scent.

Pruning and Harvesting:

Most will make tea with their chamomile, so you will have to wait for it to flower.  As stated above, this generally takes 8-10 weeks.  Be patient, and being harvesting flowers whenever they begin to appear, or let them grow to enjoy their beautiful appearance and scent even longer.

Chamomile tea


It’s likely that we’ve all tried chamomile tea at some point in our life.  But, making your own means that you get to enjoy the fresh fragrances and experience even more.  Then, sit back, relax, and sip away at the simple and relaxing joy that is chamomile tea.

Check Out Our Chamomile Recipes!

Let’s grow together!